Earn it.

Embroidery and Beadwork by Mary Yaeger
My female merit badges illustrate female "rites of passage" as well as the myriad physical manipulations women undergo to achieve cultural ideals of beauty, such as weight watching, whether or not to shave or wear makeup, etc. I've created tiny replicas of female products, such as a birth control pill pack and a pregnancy test. The miniature scale and meticulous, hand-embroidered surfaces convey my impressions of growing up female in our culture.
Chris Jordan.
Dit zijn niet zomaar een aantal aangespoelde flesdoppen. Er volstrekt zich een veel groter dram in de Noord-Pacifische Oceaan. Albatrossen die hier op zoek zijn naar voedsel denken dat het kleurrijk afval op zee waardevolle kost is voor hun kroost. Eenmaal terug op het strand worden de kleine albatrossen gevoed met aanstekers, flessendoppen en ander plastic afval. Enkele dagen later liggen de jonge dieren dood op het strand. Nadat hun lichamen na een aantal weken zijn vergaan, blijven de felgekleurde objecten opnieuw achter. Klaar voor de volgende albatros die een jong moet voeden. De Amerikaanse fotograaf Chris Jordan legde dit drama vast en een op het eerste oog vrolijke assemblage van kleur blijkt een misselijkmakende compositie te zijn.
-Erik Kessels-

-Erik Kessels-

Ravishing Beasts (From A Reader).

I came upon twin fawns in the display case of a mom and pop toy and science store in Kansas City, Missouri. It took me two years to win the trust of the shop owner and save the money to buy them. A taxidermist spotted a dead deer by the side of the road. He stopped to properly dispose of the body and realized she was pregnant. He opened her and found near full-term twin fawns, he removed and preserved them.
Deer rarely have twins and the taxidermist retained the uterine gesture of their bodies. I built them a vitrine with a light blue base. Their prematurity exaggerates the delicacy of an incredibly sweet thing. The points of their hooves, the length of their lashes, the spots of their hides, nose to small nose in an ur-cartoonish realism ... Viewers' eyes trick them into believing the fawns are breathing. The tragedy of beauty is its transience.
The twins live forever in their own demise. They are sleeping beauties.They have been muses since I first saw them ... We dress death in lilies and bronze the names of our dead sons on walls. We erect altars of toys and hold candlelight vigils to express hope. My twin fawns sleep endlessly on their baby blue block in my studio. The twins never opened their eyes yet their wondrous fatality evokes an acceptable alternative to death.
— Peregrine Honig
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